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2014년 학술지

한국산 남방짱뚱어 Scartelaos gigas의 후각기관 구조에 관한 연구
Title A Study on the Structure of Peripheral Olfactory Organ in the Korean Mudskipper, Scartelaos gigas (Pisces, Gobiidae)
저자 김현태∙이용주∙박종성∙박종영
Author Hyun Tae Kim, Yong Joo Lee, Jong Sung Park and Jong Young Park
연도 2014
권(호) 26(4)
전문 내려받기
An olfactory organ in Scartelaos gigas, so-called mudskipper known as adaptation to
an amphibious lifestyle, was investigated anatomically and histologically. S. gigas possessed the paired
olfactory organ comprising respectively the one elongated canal and two nasal sacs, lacrimal and
ethmoidal nasal sac. The sensory epithelium developed partly in the canal contained four distinct
types of cells: (1) receptor cell with 3 to 4 cilia in number, (2) supporting, (3) basal, (4) mucus cell. The
sensory epithelium was also of transitional layer as multi cellularity structure. The non-sensory epithelium
had no sensory elements. The two nasal sacs possessed typically a lot of mucin droplets. These
results might be considered that anatomical structure and histological characters of the olfactory
organ showing in S. gigas is adapted to semi-aquatic life associated with its ecological habit and