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2014년 학술지

Scoliodon속 어류의 1 미기록종, Scoliodon laticaudus
Title New Record of the Spadenose Shark, Scoliodon laticaudus (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) from South Sea, Korea
저자 조현근∙권선만∙김병직
Author Hyun-Geun Cho, Seon-Man Kweon and Byung-Jik Kim
연도 2014
권(호) 26(4)
전문 내려받기
The spadenose shark, Scoliodon laticaudus, belongs to the family carcharhinidae was
described as the first record from Korea based on a single specimen collected from the South Sea of
Korea. The species is characterized by having a greatly depressed and trowel-shaped head, a
depressed and long snout, triangular pectoral fins, and posterior tip of the first dorsal fin reaching the
middle of pelvic fin. We propose a new Korean names of the genus Scoliodon and the species S.
laticaudus as “Nab-jag-ju-dung-i-sang-eo sog” and “Nab-jag-ju-dung-i-sang-eo”, respectively.